Re: Vlookup from two Sheets into one sheet
Hi @Drikus.Botha You need another IFERROR adding, as the final part of your formula is outside the initial one (i.e. to check sheet B if sheet A doesn't generate a result: =IFERROR(IFERROR(VLOOKUP(TR…1 · -
Re: Alerts when X ammounts of items arrive for project X
Hi @EdCT, You're absolutely on the right track with this. If your main sheet is for number of items received against all projects ( and your helper sheet has the total number required already filled …1 · -
Re: Hello! How can I work an OR statement into this formula? I need it to look at 6 different columns.
Hi @Lea722, It is probably easier to do this with a helper JOIN formula column: =JOIN([MRN 1]@row:[MRN 6]@row, " ") You can then use a single formula to grab the provider name from finding …1 · -
Re: WBS Calculation
Hi @Vivien Chong, If your WBS column is only numbers/numbers with decimals then this would for you: =IFERROR(VALUE(LEFT(WBS@row, FIND(".", WBS@row) - 1)), WBS@row) If there is a number with…1 · -
Re: Non-repeating email notification when value in sheet is reached.
Hi @Vandalist, You can get round this by adding another column and modifying your workflow. For instance, adding a checkbox column "50% warning sent" and modifying the workflow to something…1 ·